Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Semana 4

Guys, I did it!  I have officially started week 4.  In four days I will have officially made it a month.  That sounds pretty crazy when you start thinking it all through.  17 months left - wow!

Wednesday - Okay all of you need to google the yummiest thing.  It is called arequipe.  It is like a caramel thing that is delicious!  Order it!  Also Wednesday was fun because my friend from school got here - Derek Welch!  It has been so fun to just see a familiar face.  This has been a really hard week though.  I have cried everyday because I miss my Latin's so much.  But that's okay - I am happy, I just miss my little family.

Thursday - My new roomates are from Peru and are crazy.  They get up at 4 am and they turn the lights on.  You all know how much I need my sleep so I got that issue taken care of, ha ha!

Saturday - Saturday was amazing!  Elder Rasband came and did a devotional at one of the churches in Columbia for the MTC, Bogata North, and Bogata South missions.  It was amazing!  He took the time to shake every single one of our hands (500 of us just so you know).  The spirit was incredibly strong!  I loved hearing him testify of President Monson and of his love for the Savior.  It was so powerful!  So pretty cool - I was asked to say the closing Spanish!!!  And guess what guys - I did it!  The spirit was so strong.  It was cool because Elder Rasband's security guard came and asked me how long I had been in the MTC and said my Spanish was pretty amazing.  Pretty cool experience!

Sunday - I did my first 24 hour fast and it was such a cool experience.  The spirit was really with me and I was so grateful I did it.  We watched a movie about President Monson and I realized how great my love is for him.

Overall a really good week.  Amazing spirit!  I just miss my Latin's and my family.  I know this gospel is true and I have never been so happy.  I read a quote this week that I would like to share:
"What we do is nothing but a drop in the ocean.  But if we didn't do it, the ocean would be one drop less than it is". 

I love you all!  Thank you for your prayers and support.

Love always,

Hermana Labrum

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