Saturday, June 18, 2016

One Month In

Hi friends and family!!!  I have officially done it.  I made it a whole month here...that is crazy!  Not a ton to tell about this week but here is what I have for you.  I know without a doubt that The Book of Mormon is the word of God.  I have learned to love this book with all of my heart.  It is so, so true!  It has been a pretty hard week for me but I have had the opportunity to get so, so close with my MTC President because of that.  He is amazing!  I had a blessing that was beautiful and I am doing so much better.  We had the sickest (best) dinner this week.  Ice cream sundaes for me!!!  That is like a normal meal when I am at home, ha ha!  I know a lot of you must be praying that I will learn to like the food because I finally have started eating.  So I will be flying to Uruguay this Monday.  Can you believe it???  I will be emailing from a whole new country, with a new companion, and no teachers.  Pretty insane!  Fun facts:  Showers are always cold here and Columbian candy is the best stuff ever.  I have worked on my patience a lot this week.  My roomates stole my alarm clock while I was praying, ha ha, but I am so kind that I let them.  I love you all!  I want you to know that I know the church is true with my whole heart!

Love always,

Hermana Labrum

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