Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Uruguay I am Here!

I made it!  I am so sorry I was not able to write this week.  I only have 15 minutes but I will share what is happening.  I left the CCM on Monday night at 6:00pm and started my first plane ride at 9:30pm that night and flew until 6:00am the next morning to Sao Paulo Brazil and then I flew from there to Uruguay and landed at 12:00 in the afternoon.  My mission presidents are awesome but they leave in two weeks so I am sad about that.  I am serving in Pando, Uruguay.  It was an hour bus ride and my companion is Hermana Riverba from Bolivia.  I am in one of the poorest parts.  Homes have dirt floors and are absolutely heartbreaking.  I live in a small house and it is a little overwhelming right now.  My home is freezing.  I have a bunk bed and we have tile floors which is nice.  Not dryer or kitchen table.  Very humbling experience!  Spanish is different here but I am trying.  It will be a hard week but I am ready.  I love you all!  Remember me!  The gospel is true and I am grateful for this experience.  The Savior is always by our side.

Love, Hermana Labrum

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