Wednesday, July 20, 2016

2 Months

Hola friends and fam bam!!  Guess what!!!  I have officially made it 2 months.  That is over 60 days!!!  I need to tell you guys that this week was great.  I was so happy!  There are still definetly hard moments but I made a goal not to cry for 7 days in a row and guess what - today is actually day 7!  I am so proud of myself!!!  I had an amazing week. 

So fun facts for you:
My favorite food is this dulce block but the flavor is sweet potato.  So weird, right!  But literally it is my favorite. 

A day in the mission:
Up at 6:30 and then me and Hermana Harpole run till 7:00.  7:00-8:00 is to shower, eat breakfast, and get ready.  8:00-9:00 is personal study and then 9:00-10:00 is companionship study.  Next we do doce semanas and then we head out at 11:00.  We have lunch with a member for one hour usually at 12:00 and then we have charlas and contacts until 8:00 that night.  At 8:00 is language study and planning at 9:00 and then in bed by 10:30.  Livin' the dream baby! 

This week we continued teaching Romelio.  This is the one with the desire to be baptized but only in a river.  Weird but OK.  We did some service for him this week and collected sticks for over an hour.  It was definently a good time.  Funny story - my menos active Mia is 10 and I went to see her and she goes, "Hermana Labrum I have to show you something!!"  She pulls out her phone and has about 10 pictures of me she found on Facebook.  Hahaha - precious!  Her mom is taking the lessons and it is going pretty well.  We are hoping to get a date for her this week.  Thursday we had interviews with President Eddy and that went really well.  He is absolutely amazing.  Friday we did intercambios!  I was in Carassco for the day with Hermana Guth who is from Brazil and goes home next week.  Please look up pics of Carassco.  It is magic!  It is like New York City but surrounded with a beach.  I got to teach and contact there all day and then stay the night and it was great.  All the people there told me my Spanish was so good and that made me so happy.  Sunday was an adventure.  My companion passed out twice so we spent the day at the hospital in Montevideo but she is doing better.  She is on medicine and taking it easy but that was a interesting time!  Right now we are in Maldanodo in Punte Del Este which ended up being 2 1/2 hours from Pando.  It is where the finger statue is.  It is gorgeous here.  We are having a great time and I got to have American ice cream and Subway. 

So this week I realized something.  Every time I teach I am teaching by the Spirit completely because I never know what I am going to say; I just do it!  It has been so amazing to notice that.  I love getting to bear my testimony so much.  I cannot put into words the love I have had grow for El Libro de Mormon.  I love reading and sharing every single day.  I have had an awesome week.  I know without a doubt that this church is true and I am so grateful for this chance to represent Jesus Christ my Savior and Redeemer each day.  Thank you for your prayers and emails.  I am so happy!  There are hard moments but the good overcomes it each time. 

With love,

Hermana Labrum 

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