Wednesday, July 20, 2016

I Survived

Wow, I actually have had the hardest week in the mission so far.  So remember how I told you that my companion was super sick?  Well she has now returned to the hospital 3 times.  She is so, so sick.  We are headed to Montevideo tomorrow to get her glasses which will help but everyone thinks the problem is so much more than that.  She just falls over and faints.  With that being said, I have been in the house the whole week.  There is nothing worse than being cooped up in a house for an entire week.  But I got to do intercambios for about 2 hours almost each day with Hermana Harpole which was awesome. 

Funny experience for ya! So everyone kisses here to say hello and well obviously as missionaries we do not kiss the boys.  Well during a contact a wonderful man, about 60 years old, grabbed me and um ya...that happened.  Hermana Harpole could not talk fast enough to stop him so yep, I got to experience that. 

So I need some advice.  My investigator Claudia (mom of Mia), told us why she won't be baptized this week.  Well she has been with this guy for about 18 years buy they are not married  because if she gets married she loses her pension which means she loses her home.  How do you tell someone that the Lord will provide for her if she follows Jesus Christ's example??  But I did survive the week.  I will not lie, it has been my most lonely week in the mission but I have been able to do a lot of personal study.  I have struggle with my companion this week.  She has been super hard on me and really hard with my Spanish but the vijantes talked to her so hopefully it gets better.  But I want you all to read 3 Nephi 12:39-44.  It is all about Christlike attributes and it has really helped me to just love my companion even when I do not want too.  I made it through though! Hoping for a really great week this week. I know without a doubt that this church is true and I am where I am supposed to be.  Life is hard but only because after it is hard you get to rise up really high.  I love you all and thank you for all the prayers and support. 

Love always,

Hermana Labrum

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