Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Letter from Uruguat Mission President regarding Hailee (6/21/2016)

Dear Labrum Family,

Tuesday we went to the airport in Montevideo, Uruguay to pick up Sister Labrum and welcome her into our mission.  She arrived full of excitement and enthusiasm to get to work. 

We have spent the day getting to know her, and we recognized that she will be a great asset to us here in the mission.  We know that she will bless the lives of many wonderful people.

Wednesday is transfer day and after meeting her trainer, she will head off to her first area so that she can start "bringing to pass the immortality and eternal life of man."

We will send you a photo that we took with her.  We are so excited to have you daughter with us and hope that you receive this email with excitement and pride in all that your daughter has done to prepare herself for the opportunity that she now has to serve the Lord for the next 18 months.


The Cooks

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