Tuesday, July 26, 2016

This week I became a Mother!

Well friends - we started this morning out at the Neurologist!  We have an MRI scheduled and an equilibrium test of some type tomorrow for my companion.  I have now been to the hospital 5 times and now 2 more times this week!!  I am a pro at Montevideo hospitals.  She is in the house for at least another 15 days with one hour of work a day.  This past week I have felt like a mom.  I grocery shop for my companion, take care of her, schedule her appointments and rides since she can no longer ride buses, and get members in the ward to babysit her so I can go out and work.  I may be in the house these next 15 days; we are not sure yet.  I will be hearing from President tonight.  Please keep her in your prayers at this time. 

So this week I was in a trio with Hermana Peay and Hermana Harpole most days.  Some news about my investigators this week.  Nidia has officially dropped us, but you know I am not giving up!  Labrum girls do not give up!!!  We went to her house and her kids came to the door screaming, YAYYY HERMANA LABRUM, MOMMA.  Well after about 2 minutes they came back and said that she said no.  I will continue trying!  But as you can probably guess, that absolutely broke my heart.  But when bad things happen, something better comes to be.  I have two new investigators that actually approached me in the street and want to learn.  I taught them their first charla and they are awesome.  Super awesome!  They know the Bible left and right and have so much faith.  The problem is that they work all Sundays so we will be working on that.  The husband is making a painting for me of Christ.  It is absolutely beautiful!  I still have my crazy reinaldo in the woods and Mia and her family.

Fun things:  Ururguay is extremely humid and wet which means everything is covered in mold.  So we scrubbed the house this week (pics below).  I have eaten 9 alphahors this week.  They eat cough drops here like candy.  The skies in Uruguay are more beautiful here than anywhere else.  I also ate pig intestines this week.  I gagged!  They brought out a plate with a whole pig and they chose what part you get.  I got the intestines.  WOOHOO!!!   We had the Oro Conference this week which was super awesome.  I got to see all of my friends from the CCM.  In the pictures you will see an older man that I look very happy with.  This is my DOM and he is really my grandpa in the mission, Amelio Rodriguez.  It has been a super spiritual week!  I have felt the spirit so strong while I taught lessons about Jesus Christ and His atonement.  He is with us always!  He loves us and He wants to be with us.  I am so grateful I chose to serve.  It has been the hardest thing I have ever done but it is so rewarding when you watch someone understand a principle of the gospel or feel the Spirit.  Thank you for the prayers and support.  I am so grateful to represent Jesus Christ each day.  I love you all!


Hermana Labrum

Notes from things I emailed with her about:

Next week Pday will be Tuesday.  We will be going to the temple that day and then transfers are on Wednesday.  I hope I do not get transferred out of Pando.  The intestine was awful but I did it.  I got one piece of real meat but it still had pig hair on it.  I still can't cook anything!  The food in the boxes in the pictures are hamburgers.  They are actual ham and are so dang good!

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