Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Uruguay Week 2

Hey Guys!!!

Well I survived another week so that is definently great because to be honest I did not know if I would make it, ha ha!  It is still extremely hard but this week went so much better.  So here's some fun thing for ya!

I live with a hermana named Hermana Harpole and she has become a friend for life.  Like she is amazing!  She is from Utah and is sometimes the only thing that keeps me going in the mission.  So there are some girls in the neighborhood and they are in the picture below (the 3 little girls).  There are usually about 7 of them that ride up to me on their skates and call me gringa hermanita and they take pictures with me and they are precious and always seem to come past when I need to have an uplifting moment.

We are teaching Mia still (the one who's mom is investigating) and it is going well.  Not a ton of progress but we are hoping for a possible baptism date this week.  So I had a really bad day Thursday, like bad.  My companion fell and hurt her ankle which means we were in the house for 2 days but I got to do intercambios (exchanges) with Hermana Harpole which was awesome.  Anyways, we went to teach Nidia, which is an investigator I found alone my first day here.  We started the lesson over the plan of salvation and I felt strongly to teach about baptism and the Holy Ghost, so I did it.  And then I felt even stronger to invite for baptism.  Ummmm.....scary - I don't even know Spanish!!!  Ha ha, but I did it.  She committed and her son Matteo committed to July 23.  I cannot explain the happiness of that moment. I understood why I am here for the first time.  Amazing!!!  It is hard to keep commitment but I am hoping for the best.

We met our new mission president!!!!  He did a conference with he and his whole family and they are awesome.  I had a really hard day however.  But we went to the temple to get some things after and happened to pass him and he asked me to come talk to him.  Wow, scary!  But he asked to give me a blessing and he did not even know I was struggling.  That blessing was exactly what I needed to continue.  I have never received a more powerful blessing.  He texted me today to check up on me.  He is amazing!

It rains all the time right now.  The roads are literally flooded but it is a good time.  This is still so, so hard and there are moments I can barely keep going but I do it because I know why I am here.  Thank you for your prayers and emails.  I love you all!

People have asked what I need right now.  I would love just real letters to read at other times and pictures and always candy, ha ha, but especially letters.

Love always,

Hermana Labrum

Things she said during our email conversation - It is so humid here,  Everything melts and my bed and clothes are always wet.  My hair is now naturally curly due to the humidity.  I cannot even explain the power of the blessing given to me.  I have never experience anything like it.  My mission president is truly inspired.  I know that everything that was said came directly from Heavenly Father.  It changed my whole perspective.  I love oatmeal now!  I eat cereal, apples, and oranges now too.  The members feed us lunch and we do not get dinner.  There is no time.  I eat some crackers when I get home. 

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