Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Uruguay Week 1

Hello friends and family.  I am in Uruguay and I am in Pando.  I will not lie, I have really struggled this week.  The culture is different and I have a Latin companion which means life is just harder.  They speak another type of Spanish here with different accents and in a different form, so that is taking some time to learn.  But I am doing it!  The food is actually really good - haha.  We eat a lot of bread, chocolate pudding, meat, mashed potatoes, and pasta.  I am currently sick today which was no fun. I am on round 11 of throwing up so yeah, that's a good time.  But, the mission is great.  It is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life but it is also the most rewarding.  We teach a lot here.  We teach lots of less actives and a lot of converts.  There is one family in particular that I want to talk about.  Mia is 10 and was baptized a year ago but is a less active.  Her mom and sister are currently taking the lessons and I am trying to convert the father and other sister that is 18 and has a two year old son.  They are very receptive but it is hard because the dad is not on board for this.  I just bear my testimony and share what I can.  It is really rough here in Pando. There is a ton of poverty and people literally live in dirt homes and houses without doors or beds.  It is heartbreaking!  It is freezing here - haha.  I spend everyday just about frozen.  I love my companion though and we live with two other girls I have come to love.  I will be honest, I have tears just about everyday but I am happy.  I know this church is true and I am here for a reason. I miss the easiness of the CCM but I will survive.  Dad taught me the lesson I live by here and that is to just suck it up.  My Savior has become my greatest friend and I feel His presence all of the time.  How grateful I am for the opportunity to be a representative of my redeemer Jesus Christ.  My scripture of the week is Isaiah 41:10 - please read it.  I love you all!  Thank you for the prayers and thoughts.

Till we meet again,

Hermana Labrum

Notes from Mom - she is in a branch with 3 other sister missionaries.  They have no heater in her apartment and she is very cold. 

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