Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Letter to Pop from the Columbia MTC President

Dear Elder Martino,

Tonight we sent your incredible granddaughter off to her mission.  As you already know, she is an incredible woman.  I thought you might enjoy this picture of her arriving at the MTC.  Sorry I don't have a picture of her leaving!  At least as an excuse, I would rather just remember her arriving!

What an incredible blessing she was to the MTC and to our lives while she was here.  I can only imagine what an incredible missionary she will be as she blesses the lives of the people she will meet in Uruguay.

There are a million reasons I want to that you for extending the call for us to serve here in Bogota, but Hermana Labrum is certainly one of them.  Thank you for sending her to us.  It has only been a few hours since she left and we are already missing her deeply. 

Un abrazo,

President Duvall
CCM - Columbia

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