Monday, September 26, 2016

Living the Dream

Hello friends and family!!! Wow the time is flying in the mission! I feel like I was just writing you guys last Monday!!! Haha, I love the mission! I do not think I can say it enough. This week was wild. The weather has turned freezing again and the sun did not come out once this week and it rained just about everyday but we made the most of it. After the trial of your faith comes the blessings right??!! Haha, but man what a week. So first off this is a really sad week for me. This is my final week with my best friend Hermana Guth. She heads home to Brazil in exactly 10 days and I cannot express how sad I am. She is amazing and really changed my mission for me. Wow I am sad! Next time I write you guys I will know who my new companion is. Pretty wild that another six weeks is almost gone.

This week we made major progress with Marcela!!! She prayed every single day and even read the Book of Mormon!! She laughed and smiled and we talked in English and she is starting to drink other sodas with her alcohol to tone it down a bit which is huge. She has stopped smoking when we are in the house because she feels awful when she smokes in front of us. Wow it is amazing to watch someone change. She is headed to medical this week to try and get a medication to help her with her drinking. Wow I love the mission - there is nothing better than seeing someone change because of what you are doing.

This week we did a big service project for some of our investigators. They are struggling with money and do not have very much food to eat so we brought this up in corellation and got with the Ward and everyone donated. We expected just a little food but man!!! ABOUT 4 HUGE BAGS!!! What a miracle!!! We arrived with the food to their houses and they were extremely grateful. It was an awesome feeling and we hope it will help them realize how special and different our church is.

Well hard part of this week. Our investigator Franco dropped us. We think someone told him some stuff that is not true about the church. But man we talked with him for a while and I have never testified as strongly as I did in this moment. I realized that this church is everything for me and I explained this to him very strongly. I have never felt so strong in my testimony, I know he will be a member. We planted the seed; now he just needs time.
We have about 6 investigators right now but the struggle is having progression. We have a few futures this week that we have high hopes for.

I would love to invite you all to read Alma 34:27. All we need is faith and a desire and we can learn the truth in anything and accomplish all that we need with the help of the Lord. I know it without a doubt. He gets me through my weakest moments but also my strongest. He is my rock and I know He will save us and help us if we let Him. I hope you all have an amazing week. Thank you for the love and support. I love you so so much.

Le Quiero,
Hermana Labrum

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