Monday, September 26, 2016

You Can Call Me "Elder Labrum"

I am sure you are all wondering what the significance is of my name being Elder Labrum. Well my friends, in this mission we now have to wear pants (practically the same as Elders) from October to May when we are out in the streets and we do not have a choice. I do not know if you all understand how hot it gets here and we will be in dress slacks. I think you can assume I am slightly nervous but he,y trust in the Lord in all things and that is exactly what I am going to do - hah!!. Also I hit my 4 month mark this week - pretty wild how quickly time flies here. Also CAMBIOS (transfers)!!!! Well I am of course staying in Maldonoado with my comp being Hermana Harpole!!!! My best friend in the mission!!!! What a blessing to get to be with her here in Maldonado.

It was a slightly harder week, I am not gonna lie but we survived and learned a lot. We had Noche de hogars cada noche (family home evening) and also we had a farewell party for Hermana Guth that went super well. I am so so sad to see her go but man I sure learned a lot from her.

So new investigator: Maria Estela. She was a reference from the church website but she is super busy so we just barely had our first charla (discussion) with her. It was amazing. She was so receptive to Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon and asked if she could come to church with us WITHOUT OUR INVITATION!!!! This is an hour walk for her to the chapel and she was 100 percent in. Wow what a blessing! Also she submitted this 4 months ago and we just received it so obviously it was in the Lord's timing. About 4 hours later she sent a message saying that we are her angels and was so glad we came into her life. Then 3 hours after that a new message saying she believed in the metafisica and was not ready at this time. Pretty weird and quite a change. We think she read somethings or her husband said something. But you know that I will not give up that easily. We called and she agreed to a charla tonight. We have been praying our hearts out that we can save this for her. I know she has been prepared and I am willing to do whatever is necessary to bring her unto Christ.

We had an intercambio (exchange) this week with Hermana Delcompare from Guatemala and it was one of my funnest days in the mission.  We were in pan De Azucar and wow it was so great. Marcela had a bit of a hard week this week but that is what happens with addictions. Little by little. She is reading and praying now which is super awesome. We also had three investigators that came to the ward party which was super awesome because they now have friends in the church!!!!

I would love to invite you all to read Alma 26:11-12. It is about how through the Strength of God we can do all things. I know this to be true with my whole heart. He lifts me up everyday when I feel down and teaches me things each day through His love. How blessed I am to be here in the mission of Uruguay Montevideo. I love you all. Have an amazing week and know Hermana Labrum is happy and safe.

Le quiero,
Hermana Labrum

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