Friday, October 21, 2016

5 Months

Well today marks 5 months in the mission!!!!! Pretty crazy that I am close to only having a year left. Wow that is crazy! I cannot even let myself think about that haha. We have yet again a week of miracles and seeing the Lords hand in our lives each and everyday. Shout out to Addison Jean today for turning 9 years old!!!! I am so proud of you Addi and will see you in a year!!!

So this week was just wow! We have been getting prepared for our baptism this Saturday for Fernanda and all is working out smoothly and we should have no problems. We are so excited for her to make this first covenant with Heavenly Father. I cannot even explain the joy I feel to be able to watch her be baptized this week. There is nothing better than seeing the fruits of our labors.

Well we have our sweet Micaela who is 17 years old and actually lives in Maldonado 1. She is 17 years old and got permission from her parents this week to be baptized!!!! We also have gotten permission to teach her and have her baptized in our ward so we are going to be teaching her about 4 times a week for the next two weeks and are going to try to have her baptism not this Saturday but the next right before cambios. Wow the Lords hand truely is here in Maldonado with us. I am so grateful!

Anotonio and Carla are planning to get married this December and then he will be being baptized despues este. We are just working through all the charlas with him right now and so far everything is running super smoothly and his testimony is growing more and more each day.

This week was just a really successful week of hard work. We had a day where we had 6 new investigators in one day!!!! The Lord is really working and leading us to the people who are prepared to hear this message.

Fun things you all need to know:
1. I will be giving my first talk this Sunday. Wow scary.
2. All houses here have names not numbers. It is pretty sweet.
3. No we do not have AC, Heaters, or dryers for our clothes.

I would love to invite you all to read a talk by Elder Vinson called Drawing Closer to God. I read it this week and it really changed my aspect on what a relationship with our Father in Heaven should really be like. I love you all so much and I hope you all remember that you are children of a loving Heavenly Father who loves you always and is always looking out for you. Have an amazing week of miracles.

Le quiero,
Hermana Labrum

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