Friday, October 21, 2016

Baptism, Talk, Heat - All in One Week

WOW!!! That is the only word to explain this week. I am literally emotionally and physically drained from this rollercoaster of a week haha. So here is what happened this week.

Well I put my trust in a Uruguayan this week and it was the worst decision of my life. She asked to do my hair to put in a little blonde for summer so I of course said yes!!! Well as you can see in the picture she turned my hair ORANGE. AND SHE LOVED IT! I left literally bawling, so I hurried and called one of our investigators and she fixed it the best she could for my baptism but the orange will probably come back to showing in the near future so that should be fun haha but what I learned: Never get your hair done in Uruguay.

Well it is extremely hot now. I have heat rash everyday and close to 30 mosquito bites and it is not even summer yet. It is so so hot but it does make the people super friendly during the heat so this is definitely a plus.

We had our first baptism!!! It was absolutely perfect. I played an arrangment of Nearer My god to Thee and we had a strong testimony meeting after the baptism and honestly everything went perfectly. She bore an extremely powerful testimony and got confirmed Sunday. I cannot explain my happiness in these moments. I do not think I have really ever been as happy or emotional as I was in this moment. I will now have my friend Fernanda living with me in the Celestial kingdom after this life and nothing is greater than that.

I gave my first talk this Sunday about coming to the rescue and it went super awesome! I was really emotional during it but I really actually like giving talks more in Spanish than English so that is definitely a positive.

We have two new investigators -  Delfi and Monica and they are awesome. They came to the baptism and everything and are really progressing. I am so so happy!

This is our last week of this cambio and I am not gonna lie; I am super nervous that I am going to have to leave but I am putting my trust in the Lord and hoping that it will be a cambio that I need.

This week for pday we climbed the cross in Pan De Azucar and it was the best pday ever!!!! We are extremely sore but wow it was a beautiful view!

I love you and have an amazing week

Le quiero,
Hermana Labrum

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