Friday, October 21, 2016


Hello friends and family!!!!! What another week of miracles here in the mission. This was a little bit harder of a week I will not lie but we made it and we saw some great things happen this week.

This week we had a baptism for a couple in our ward (they are the elders investigators) but it was a great opportunity to get some of our investigators to see a baptism. Well this week we had a charla just with Alfonoso and it went so good he actually showed us that he has genuine interest; he is just a little stubborn haha. Well we invited him to the baptism but really did not think he would come. We went to his house the night of to invite Fernanda also and he had already told her and they were ready to go!!! It was so awesome to have them there. I really think they felt something and they made lots of friends. They stayed longer at the baptism than we did.
Sunday Fernanda came to church!!!!! This was HUGE progression for us and she stayed all 3 hours. Alfonoso did not go but I was okay with that. It is gonna be poco a poco with him. We also had another investigator Mikaela in the chuch this week. She is 17 and absolutely amazing. I have really enjoyed getting to know her and work with her and feel her progression and love for the church.

We had a service Saturday this week so we spent all day painting and cleaning a school and it was so so fun!!!! We also threw a bridal shower for one of the elders investigators and that was a super fun experience too. I found a ice cream place this week and I have been buying ice cream everyday haha and wow it makes me so happy.

This week I had the opportunity to watch the Restoration with two investigators and I realized how strong my testimony is of Joseph Smith. I know he was a prophet and that he translated the Book Of Mormon. I know that because of the things he suffered I have the ability to have this amazing church in my life but also every blessing I really has came from him. I have temples so I can have my family forever, I have a Book that brings me greater peace and joy than anything, and I have a understanding of My Heavenly Fathers love for me. I invite you all to pray again to know if Joseph Smith was a prophet and receive another witness of this truth.
I love and miss you all so much. Have an amazing week!!!!
Le quiero,
Hermana Labrum

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