Friday, December 9, 2016

Cambio Number 4 Begins

Well the big news: I am staying in Maldonado another 6 weeks and I am staying with Hermana Harople!!! We are super excited to see what is going to be happening this cambio. It is definitely going to be another cambio of miracles. 

This week was awesome. We worked really hard with members this week. We actually had a noche de hogar each night with a different family to really try and gain the trust of the members so that we can use them more with our investigators but also so that we can receive more references of people that are really ready to hear this message of the Restoration. We had a week of insane rain storms and wind; we had to come home twice a day to just change clothes because the wind is so strong here by the ocean that we could not use umbrellas so we were just soaking all day but it was great. Definitely made for lots of great pictures.

This week we did lots of cooking and you all know that is huge for me to be able to cook haha. I learned how to cook tortas fritas, alfahors, and niochi. Wow it was literally so fun. You can basically say that I am going to come home like an awesome chef haha. This week I also dyed my hair blonde again. Yes.

Alfonoso came to church for the first time this week!!! This was huge because he wants to be baptized but hasn't wanted to come to church but Fernanda talked him into it and yes he is here haha. Last night we had a charla about him needing to stop smoking. I was praying hard during the charla to know what to do and I came to the conclusion to leave him 7 cigarettes for the week and to take all the others. Well I took them to a member and now he has only 7 for the whole week so we are excited to see what will happen!! Please give some prayers that he will have the strength to overcome this addiction!!

Antonio is progressing a ton!! He has all his asistencias now in the church and is starting to gain a testimony of the book of mormon and that families can be together forever. All that is left is their marriage at the end of this year and then he will be ready to get baptized!!!

Honestly I love my mission. There is nothing better than being a missionary and watching people begin to feel the love of the Savior and to know that the only thing that can heal them is this gospel and Jesus Christ. I love you all and hope you have an amazing week.

Le quiero,
Hermana Labrum

PS. Yes we are pants for the rest of the summer. Ugly.

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