Monday, December 12, 2016

6 Months Down

Well it has officially happened. I have 6 months in the mission and less than a year until it is all over. Time is flying. I can honestly say the best decision I have ever made in my life was to serve my mission. 
This week we had Hermana Harpoles 20th birthday so I decorated the house and of couse bought her muffins because I cannot cook, haha. She hits her year mark this next week which is wild considering I knew her when she had only 6 months!!!!!  
So this week we have started a new activity every week!! The relief society is having Zumba classes every Tuesday and Saturday night and it is going amazing!!! We are bringing in more people that are not members than people that are haha and lots of menos activos. I literally love zumba now with my whole heart and that will definitely be an after mission activity every day! 
This week we had Alfonso, Hanlie. Antonio, and Nicole in church!!! I had a really amazing experience. So Hanlie only speaks English so I had the opportunity to translate all the talks for her into English and it was amazing to realize that I know more Spanish than I thought!!! She cried the whole time and said even though she understood nothing of what they said, the feeling was extremely strong. I can definitely see that the Lord has prepared her to make this covenant of baptism very soon!! With Alfonso we are working really really hard. He officially has a baptism date for the 3rd of December!!! He has promised he will come to church every week up until then and if he feels that going to church is a necessary thing he will be baptized so please send lots of prayers his ways. He is prepared just a little bit stubborn haha. Delfi is loving the church so much!!! She is progressing rapidly and sharing the gospel a ton. We are now teaching her best friend as well!!!! Haha it is so great! 
This week was amazing. I really learned something special this week about my Savior Jesus Christ. He is always standing at our door knocking and when we do not let Him in He continues to stand and wait until we finally open the door and receive Him. His arms are always extended to us and He is always willing to find us and make everything okay. He is our greatest and truest friend. He loves us always and with this conocimiento we can overcome everything. I love you all and hope you have an amazing week!!!

Le quiero,
Hermana Labrum

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