Monday, December 12, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!

Hello friends and family! Wow, what an awesome week we have had here in Maldonado and the best part is we got a cold front so it was not burning hot this week. Haha tender mercies. This week we saw a lot of miracles here in Maldonado and we also got lucky enough to have an amazing conference with Elder Rasband this week!!!

We worked a lot with Hanlie this week and wow she is amazing. We watched the Restoration with her and at the end she started crying and shared with us that she has had a lot of things happen in these last two weeks that she cannot explain but she feels something different and wants to pray and read and think on things. It was one of the strongest spirits of my mission. We just testified our hearts out and I know she has been prepared by the Lord and is ready to make this next step. It was truly amazing. Also Alfonso has a new goal and officially plans to stop smoking at the end of this week. We are praying hard and visiting him a ton. The amount of cigarettes I have stolen this week and banged against trees is wild haha, I'm working hard. We also have a new investigator that will be having her baptism in 3 weeks. Her name is Nicole and she is 8 years old and precious. We are working on teaching the charlas in the most simple way possible. 

Have an amazing Thanksgiving week! I know that I am so grateful for this opportunity to serve a mission at this time. It is the best decision I have made. I love you all.

Les Quiero,
Hermana Labrum

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