Friday, December 9, 2016

Enduring Climate Changes in Uruguay

Well Uruguay is currently becoming a tropical climate according to everyone here which is why we are having three days of intense rain like where you just are soaked everywhere and then the next three are so hot you think you are going to die. I have broken two umbrellas from the winds this week and sweated through all the rest of my clothes. Yep it is a dream!

Other than the weather it was a miracle week!!!! For Halloween we bought a bunch of candy and hats and went into Centro and handed out candy and pass along cards for about 2 hours and it was extremely successful. It was one of the most fun nights in the mission for sure. Our Mikaela that is 17 is ready for her baptism in about 2 weeks which we are super excited for so we are just working hard on getting her all prepared for that!! Alfonso came to church Sunday and is currently only smoking about two cigarettes a day which is super exciting. Baptism is on its way baby!!! Delfi our 13 year old friend that speaks English is making major progression!! We watched the restoration with her this week and when we finished it she just yelled I love Joseph Smith!!! Haha it was awesome and she has plans to come to church with us this Sunday!!! Also my old investigator Mikaela that I lost contact with for 6 weeks is back and even came to church this Sunday which is HUGE. She is not currently married but we are working with this too see what we can do. She felt the spirit so strong in church she said she could not describe  it. Also the biggest miracle this week!! We got a reference from Hermana Gomez that she said were going to be two women very special for us. Well we visit them and guess what??!! They only speak English!!! They are from South Africa and have been living in China for the last 8 years and now are here to raise the daughters baby here.They are looking to find a religion here and we have got that under control haha so we have started the lessons but man it is really hard in English but we are working on it. Literally a week of miracles. Also the 17th we have a mission conference with Elder Rasband which we are super excited for!!! I had an amazing week of miracles. I know that the Lord has people prepared for us we just need to find them. There is nothing better than finding someone and watching their faith and commitment grow. I love you all and hope you have an amazing week.

Le quiero,
Hermana Labrum

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