Friday, December 9, 2016

Week One of Cambio 5

Well it was definitely a very interesting week for sure I just do not even know what to express. This was a Little bit of a harder missionn week but we made it through!!

This week we had a noche de hogar Tuesday with the Familia Midana and with Alfonso and it went awesome!!! So we did not yet have a date for Alfnosno and his baptism yet but we were planning to bring that up soon. Well Hermano Midana asked him if he had a date yet and we said no and then he surprised us by saying that he has a date for the end of November. We were like UHHHHHH YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!! Wow I literally just started crying right then and there I was so dang happy. There are literally not words to express the happiness I felt in that moment. Well he is currently stopping smoking very quickly. In a week he has dropped from 20 a day to about 1 or 2 a day. That is huge!! However he is a lot more unhappy and mean right now due to this so he said that he does not want to think of baptism right now which made me sad but I think it is just for the problems leaving the cigarettes so we are going to drop baptism for about two weeks and then give it another try. He is ready, he just needs to stop smoking and feel happy again first!

We were in the house two days this week. One for the rain (we had a red alert so could not leave the house) We had winds 55mph and wow it was scary haha. The next day Hermana Harpole was sick so we were in again for that.

This week we also got a baptism date for an investigator names Estela for the 26 of November!!! Really stoked and hoping to see that it goes through well. Also we visited Marias Estela this week because she was back from vacations and she told us she loves the church and the message we have but right now she is trying to move to Italy and said she can not give us the commitment we want right now but she got all our info and promised us when she gets to Italy she is starting the discussions again. I know she will be baptized in the future and that makes me so so happy to know she will have the message as a part of her life forever.

I have really learned this week the power behind the words I am a child of God. My favorite spanish saying is: Yo se quien soy. This means I know who I am. When we know we are children of a God that is almighty and that loves us enough to talk to each of us individually this life becomes so much easier. Remember in the hard times God sees our past and our future. We can only see this moment. Trust in His plan and I know with todo mi corazón that we will find our way home to our Heavenly Father. I love you all and have an amazing week.

Le quiero,
Hermana Labrum

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