Tuesday, February 7, 2017

First and Last Thanksgiving YA ESTA

Wow if I am not the most lucky missionary in the world I do not know who is!!! Today we got to feed Sea Lions in the Ocean!!! Haha I bought a VERY expensive fish to feed them but it was so worth it (video below) So, Thanksgiving does not exist here and neither do turkeys. There were literally 3 in the grocery store and they are EXPENSIVE. Well we had Thanksgiving with the Familia Gomez and they come visit the States every year and speak English so they knew it was Thanksgiving and threw us a HUGE AMERICAN Thanksgiving with mashed potatoes and turkey and wow it was so great. I was so grateful. We were all so grateful - it is a Thanksgiving I will never forget. 
This week we had some awesome miracles happen! So, through Zumba we have found a new investigator named Anna and wow, she is amazing. We taught lesson 1 and watched the Joseph Smith movie with her this week and she loved it. She is praying and reading her Book of Mormon and said she is feeling things she has never felt before. She is my converts best friend so that really helps because she already has her support but the entire ward has taken her in as well. Big things are to come this next cambio with her. 
So we have a baptism this Thursday!! My sweet 17 year old Micaela that I have been teaching for about 3 months now is finally being baptized and I could not be more happy for her. She is extremely excited and very prepared to make this covenant. 
We also have a baptism the 9th of December with our investigator Nicole!!! She is 8 and her parents are not members but her grandparents are so we have permission to baptize her!! We have done lesson 1, 2, and 3 with her and she absolutely loves it. She is extremely attentive and cannot wait to be baptized. I cry everytime we teach her because she reminds me so much of Addison haha. 
Alfonso has officially stopped smoking for three days now!!!! We set a final goal and so far he is doing well. He comes to church every sunday and is making awesome progress; he even stayed all 3 hours this week!!!! The goal is that he will be baptized by the end of December and then they will begin working to go the temple. 
Fernanda (my converso) got a calling this week!!! She has been called as the Young Womens secretary and is so excited. She is really going to change the lives of the youth in our ward.
Hanlie (from South Africa) came to church again and loves it even though she does not speak a word of spanish but it is awesome. We taught lesson 2 and this is all very new to her so she has lots of questions for us. She is still praying to know if this is the path she wants to take so I will let you guys know on that. 
Really an amazing cambio we had, I know my Savior lives and I know that He loves everyone of His children. I know that this is the restored church of Jesus Christ on this Earth. Next time I write will be cambios. Please pray that I can have just one more here in Maldonado haha. Love you all and have an amazing week..
Las quiero,
Hermana Labrum

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