Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Week of Miracles and Heartbreaks

Well I have never cried as much in a week but at the same time I have never had as many miracles in a week. First I will be leaving Maldonado to go to Durazno to an area called Trinidad with a companion from Paraguay and that is all I know. I have cried more this week than my whole mission combined but I have faith that this is where I need to be; I just do not know why yet. Really this is the hardest thing I think I have done just because Maldonado has truly become home for me.

Now to all the happy parts!!!!! WE HAD TWO BAPTISMS THIS WEEK!!!!!! IT WAS MIRACULOUS! So as you all knew Micaela had her baptism this week and it was absolutely perfect. She bore a powerful testimony after and really just showed how prepared she was and it was just a really beautiful baptism.

Now the biggest miracle of the week: ALFONSO WAS BAPTIZED. I cannot explain the joy I felt over this baptism and the tears that I shed hahaha. It was truly a miracle. We went into a charla with plans to try and get him a baptism date for the 17th of December because he had stopped smoking for a week. Before he had always said he has never seen a need for baptism. Well we went into this charla and literally I was praying the entire time that he would understand us and feel the spirit haha - I have literally never prayed so hard. Well, we asked him about the 17th and he said no I am not ready still. I felt super prompted to ask him what bad could come from baptism and he sat and thought and then said that there was nothing bad that could happen but that he did not feel prepared. Once again a huge prompting to do the baptism questions with him and guess what - he of course knew every answer. Well with that he said you know what, I want to be baptized tomorrow and we just laughed. Then he said I am serious tomorrow and we told him we could plan for the 9th so we could get ready and he informed us he would be getting baptized sunday because he was ready. We planned a baptism in less than 24 hours and it was the most spiritual and beautiful baptism I have ever been too. Truly, I cannot explain how happy I was. 
This week we did a ton of service which was super fun haha; I ripped two pairs of pants, am sunburned, and have bruises about everywhere BUT it was great.

I am so grateful for the time I had to be here in Maldonado with the most amazing people in the world. I am truly sad to leave but I know I will be where the Lord wants me to be. I am so grateful to be a missionary and for the time I have had already. I know my Savior lives and loves me. I know He is protecting me and guiding me exactly where I need to be in my life at this time. Have an amazing week . I love you guys. Thank you for all the prayers and support.

Las quiero,
Hermana Labrum 

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