Tuesday, February 7, 2017

20 Years Old and Still Pretending I Am 19

Well I am officially an old woman and I hate it haha, but wow let me tell you my birthday was AMAZING here in the mission. The members, my investigators, and converts, plus the girls in my house really spoiled me. I literally had a party every different hour of the day with someone. I have never eaten so much in my life. I am truly blessed.

This week me and my comp got the opportunity to be the only 2 other missionaries that are not in leadership to go to a special conference in Montevideo. We had a conference by Elder Stevenson of the 12 apostles and it was SO INSPIRED. He is a really special man. We learned a lot and got remotivated to work the hardest we could. So our bus (we missed it) but that meant we got to go to another area for the night. Well I talked them into letting me stay in Pando (my first area) AND WOW I WAS SO HAPPY. I got to go see all of my favorite members and I was the companion of Hermana Shaw for two hours haha (my CCM comp) and it was awesome.
Maria got super sick this week so we had to move her baptism date but she has plans for the 11 of February if she gets feeling better so please send prayers her way for her health. Milagros has a new date for the 11 of February also so we are hoping to get all the charlas finished and she will be ready!

My birthday really was special and one I will never forget here in the mission. I really learned a lot this week that I can choose to be happy or not. I choose if I am going to make the most of the time I have or if I am going to be sad. I missed home but I pushed it aside and tried to just love what I was doing even more and it worked!!!! I was truly happy. Thank you for all the birthday wishes and love it really means a lot. I hope you all have an amazing week!!! Love you to the moon and back.

Hermana Labrum

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