Tuesday, February 7, 2017

New Page to the Mission Book: I'M A TRAINER!

Well I think my title says well enough the biggest thing that happened this week. I AM GOING TO BE A TRAINER. I cannot even explain how nervous I am to have a new missionary to take care of and teach and wow I am just really nervous. Tomorrow I head to Montevideo and I will have training all morning Wednesday and then I will recieve my oro (the new missionary), so updates will come on all that next week.

Today I had an eye appointment in Montevideo and guess what!!! I am gonna be a four eyes and have exercises I have to do everyday on my eyes because they are all messed up haha. Pics to come of my sick new glasses.
This week we found a miracle. We have a new investigator named Yanet. This week we had a day of heat I have never felt in my life and LITERALLY no one would let us in. We walked straight for two and a half hours and then I was really just done. We found an old lady sitting outside so I approached her and asked if we could just sit with her and she said yes haha. Well then she brings out her son who is MA and he brings out his girlfriend and said he does not wanna go to church but she can. Well she came all three hours Sunday and we have now taught lesson 1 and the Book of Mormon and she believes it!!!!!!!! She has a date for the 4th of February and we are planning on them getting married sometime soon now. I AM SO EXCITED FOR HER!!!

Maria has her date still for the 28th and is just learning little by little to be ready. She invited us to her house for dinner this week and IT WAS SOOOO GOOD. She cooked mashed potatoes for me and I was literally so so happy. Milagros (miracle)!!!!!!!!! REALLY A MILAGRO. She has a date for the 28th as well and wow, we watched The Restoration with her this week and she is so so amazing. She is really prepared by the Lord. She is reading and praying and just really wants to have a family forever. I am truly so so happy.

Our talent show went awesome!!!!!! We had a really good turn out and we are gaining the confidence of the ward. Also I gave a talk in church this week on the plan of salvation and it went super duper good.

So this week our ex stake president and us had dinner and made a goal that he will go to the temple again in 6 months and that is what we are working for. I am really excited for him.

Well I now start my 7th cambio of only 13. Time is flying. I will train most likely until I have 11 months in the mission which really is crazy. Have an amazing week and please pray for my new companion!!! Love and miss you all.

Hermana Labrum

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