Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Well as you all already know I am training!!! However my situation is not your normal training situation haha. I am training Hermana Sousa from BRAZIL HAHA. So that means that she speaks Portuguese and yep I do not. We definitely have a language barrier but we are working our way through it little by little. Usually Brazilians train Brazilians but my situation is a little different, but she is amazing. She is the cutest little thing and really has a desire to learn and grow. I am super excited to get to know her better. I have watched my Spanish just sky rocket this last week because I have no other option, haha, so it has been a great experience.

So crazy miracle story for this week. Our house is two stories and it is really hot so we slept on our roof. Well the next morning when we went down, everything was super wet so I went first and the table broke and I fell two stories. I was super blessed. I learned the Lord is really looking out for his missionaries. I have been super sore but received a blessing and all is good. The Lord truly is looking out for his missionaries.

This week was HOT. It was in the 100s every day and wow!!! Also our water is not working haha - it is all black so that has been a SUPER fun experience.
MARIA IS GETTING BAPTIZED saturday!!!!!!!! She finally feels prepared and wants to do it as a birthday present for me haha. I am super exited. She is definitely a miracle and will be an amazing member. Also we started teaching our converts daughter this week and WOW, she is amazing. She is taking things super slow but is super amazing. It was really a week full of miracles.

Not much time this week but just wanted to share how grateful I am to be a missionry and how grateful I am for all that I am learning and growing in. I know that the Lord is truely protecting us. I know that my Savior lives and I know that the scriptures are true and truly have something special for each and everyone of us. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to serve this mission and to learn the things I am learning. Thank you for all the wonderful emails each of you send and for all your prayers and love. Thank you for all the support and have an amazing week. I love you

Hermana Labrum

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