Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Well, this week has been one of the hardest weeks of my life; I can truly say that. This week my dearest friend and my first baby in the mission Hermana Gabriella Sousa had to return home to Brazil due to mental illness. This week her mind became too strong for her to handle and began to have hallucinations and things were just too much for her too take. We spent most of the week in Montevideo visiting Physchiatrists and Doctors and finally came to the decision that this was an illness that she will need to return home for and have professional help daily. I spent every night this week awake all night taking care of her as she screamed and cried and then just trying to keep her okay during the day and we received word Saturday that she would be going home today in the morning and will be flying home with a doctor to help her return in safety.

I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to work with her and to have the three weeks we had together. I believe I learned more from her than any other companion. She came from a hard past truly harder than any other story I have heard. I learned from her to be strong. I learned we are capable of all things to an extent but that sometimes the Lord will send us in a direction we never planned to receive the help we need to overcome trials. She will have the opportunity to go home and receive the medications and the help she needs and I know that the Lord will be with her every step of the way. 

If there is anything I learned from this experience there are two things and the first is that sometimes all you can do is trust. I do not know why the Lord is letting her experience pains like this and I do not know why she has to suffer the way she is but I do know that He loves us and He knows what we need. I know that He will protect her and He will help her to become who He plans for her too be and that really in these situations all we can do is trust. I also learned that thanks to having the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life it has become reflex. When she screamed and cried at night the first thing I thought to do was sing her hymns or try to read her scriptures. The gospel is my base and that is exactly how we can get through hard things - by relying on the gospel to save us.
I thought all week how I could help her and I realized there was not much I could do. I wanted to have to take it on for her but I realized that someone better already has and that her Savior Jesus Christ already did that and that He is the only one to get her through this.

Please keep her in your prayers. I know that we can do all through our Savior and I know that through Him I can overcome these things as well as my sweetest friend Hermana Sousa. Thank you for all your love and support.

Hermana Labrum

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