Tuesday, February 7, 2017

8 Months in the Mission and Addicted to Coca-Cola

Well friends it has officially been 8 months here in the mission with only 10 to go and wow that hurts my heart. Time is flying faster than I thought was even possible. This was a week of a lot of new experiences, lots of miracles, and of course lots of heat.

This week broke my heart. We found our convert Richard drinking. I literally started crying in front of him and it was the saddest I think I have ever seen in my entire life. We talked to him and he does not quite get it that he cannot drink just a little and then repent so we will be working hard with that.

We are teaching an investigator named Milagros who really is a milagro (miracle) haha. Her husband is a member (menos activo) but is coming back and wants to bring her along. We taught the plan of salvation this week and at the end she said, this all just feels so right and this week we have two charlas with them to do over the restoration. I am super excited. Her goal is to have an eternal family and she will definitely have one.

Maria continues to progress and will be getting baptized most likely the 28th of January if her health will allow it.
We are currently working really hard with the ward and are planning a talent show for this Friday and are working really hard to get everyone involved. This will be one of the first ward activities in a while and we are super excited.

This week I was reading a conference talk called Repentance: A Joyful Rejoice by Elder Renlund and it is amazing!!!! It talks a lot about how repentance is a happy thing because it is a way to show we are trying to grow closer to our Savior. Through repentance we can be cleansed and we can have all our guilt and pain washed away. I know our Savior suffered all for us from a papercut to a broken heart and He is on our side always. He will not force the atonement on us but invites us to take part in this beautiful process.
I love you all and have an amazing week!!!

Love always,
Hermana Labrum

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