Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Merry Christmas From Trinidad Uruguay!!!

Wow it has been a week full of adventures and miracles. I can honestly say I have never worked so hard in my mission. We are really putting our all into everyday and we are seeing the blessings from it. We have three baptisms this week that we are super excited for and we are really finding the people Heavenly Father has prepared for us. I absolutely love my companion. We are super different but we work well together and we enjoy just about every moment. It is now blazing hot here and summer has just began haha! The sun is out from 6 in the morning till 9 at night (not even joking) I will not lie I am VERY ready for summer to end!!!

So we have the baptism of Angela and her son Alan this week and Richard. Angela is awesome -  she is super excited to make this next covenant and will be getting baptized with her 9 year old son. She is amazing but I do not have a super huge relationship with her considering my one week here but still I am happy for her!!! However Richard. Wow he is incredible. He is 58 and we finally just this week helped him stop drinking. He has one of the biggest hearts and is so so kind and loving. I really feel like he is my converso so I am super excited for his baptism this week.

We are working with a new jovencita that we found that is awesome. She is 15 and currently does not believe in God but truly has a desire to find out. I have never felt so stressed about an investigator or prayed so hard. I want to help her know that our Heavenly Father loves us but let me tell you it is not an easy thing to find out. If you all have any ideas I am open to whatever haha!!

We also are really trying to work with members and menos activos here. The ward really is great just never really had missionaries that have been super involved.

This week we have a Christmas conference in Carassco on Wednesday with half of the mission so that should be fun and then we have our ward christmas party tuesday, baptism thursday, and then it is almost christmas. Christmas is REALLY REALLY hard away from home but it has really opened up my eyes to what Christmas really is. It is a time for family, BUT more than that a time for the Savior so I am really just trying to focus in on that and remember the true meaning of Christmas. Our Savior lives and loves us!!!!! I know it with all of my heart. I hope you all have an amazing Christmas. Thank you for all the love and support.

Love always,
Hermana Labrum

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