Tuesday, February 7, 2017

A Fin De Cuentas Es El Mismo Cielo

Well Merry Christmas Fambam!!!! I have officially survived what is said to be the hardest part of the 18 months! Christmas in the mission is amazing. I am so so happy!!! I had the opportunity to talk to the fam yesterday and it was the best present ever. I realized how much I truly miss them but also how grateful I am to leave them and to put my Savior first for this Holiday season.

So lots of you are asking if they celebrate Christmas here and yes they do but it is very different from the states. We spent all of Christmas Eve and Day with members and watched TONS of fireworks haha -  it was great.

This week we had Richards baptism and it was so greatt!!!! He already has the priesthood and said he felt a cleansing that was indescribable. It was amazing. It really helped me see why I am in Uruguay at Christmas because I get to take part in saving other souls at the time of the Saviors birth and that is amazing.

Not a ton of time this week but next weeks letter will be better. I want you to know that I know our Savior lives and loves us. The gospel is incredible. I know that it has the power to change and save lives. Merry Christmas and happy new year!!! Thank you so much for all the love and support. I love you!!!!

Hermana Labrum

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