Tuesday, February 7, 2017

2017 Time Is Gonna Fly

WOW!!!!! This will be a year full of changes!!! This year the mission will end and that actually makes me so so sad. But wow the year of 2016 was incredible. I think I can honestly say it was the greatest and most important year of my life. Lots changed but definitely all for the better. 

Really cool little miracle from this week is that my convert Alfonso from Maldonado now has the priesthood and baptized someone in the ward last week. The amount of happiness that brings me is indescribable. They are now working towards being sealed as a family in December of this year and they are also expecting a baby!!!!! I thought I knew what real happiness was before my mission but none of it compares to experiences like this.

This week was HOT HOT HOT. I am dying - haha! This week my comp had Bronchitis and Laryngitis so we were in the house Monday-Thursday and then worked half day Friday and Saturday so we did not do a whole lot this week but we definitely made lots of fun memories in the house haha.

Well Richard is now baptized and so the next step is of course going to the temple and starting family history. Well we brought it up this week and he hates the idea and said he will not do it because his parents died catholic and he wants to respect their opinion so he does not want us to talk about it again. If you guys have any suggestions on how to help please let me know!

So Maria Barra. SHE IS AMAZING AND CRAZY. She is 63 and crazy crazy. She has a date for the 14th of January and we are hoping it goes through. She comes to church every Sunday; we just need to finish all the lessons and then she will be set and ready!!!!

We have been working a lot with a less active that used to be president of the stake but some things happened and rumors got spread so he left the church and has not gone in over 20 years. Well we have being working really really hard with him and he is now assisting the capilla otra vez!!!! I cannot explain how happy that makes me. Also we are now teaching his 10 year old daughter. This week we did the plan of salvation and she loved it and understood perfectly!!! At the end of her prayer she prayed that she can be baptized in the church and it was so great!!! Her name is Luiciana so please keep her in your prayers!

We spent New Years with Luis and Monica who are converts of 2 years and it was sooooo fun to get to be with them. We ate cordero (baby sheep) and it was awful haha but I ate it. You know me and I'm NOT EVEN A PICKY EATER ANYMORE :)

Well Happy 2017 friends and family!!!!! I am so grateful to start this year in the best place I could possibly be. I love you all and have an amazing week!!!!!

Les Quiero,
Hermana Labrum

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