Tuesday, February 7, 2017

7 Months!!!

Well. I am officially in Trinidad which is in the department of Flores. I am officially in the campo and it has been a really hard adjustment; not gonna lie. I have shed a lot of tears for my family in Maldonado. I really loved that area. But, I am learning to love it. We are in a ward of about 80 and they are awesome. Missionaries have never really worked with the ward here so that is my goal - to involve the members because I saw the difference in Maldonado with members. 

This week I hit my 7 months in the mission which is wild how quickly time moves. We are currently teaching a ton of investigators here but not a ton of progression. I do not have a ton to tell you guys yet because I am still trying to figure it all out myself haha but its an area with a lot of possibility. I have been learning the area and just trying to figure out where I am.

One awesome experience this week was with a converso reciente called Raul. He overdosed on drugs when he as 21 and due to that lost the ability to use the left side of his body. He lives in a casa de salud so we go visit him about three times a week and read from the Book of Mormon with him. I have a love for him that is incredible. One night we were walking home and it was like 8:45 and we have to be in the house by 9 but I felt super prompted to just go by and say hi to Raul. We walked by and he was sitting outside crying. We asked what he was doing and he said he was praying for someone to come see him because he was so lonely and wanted to end his life. We sang hymns and sat with him for a while and it was incredible to see the Lords hand in our lives.

My companion is Hermana Campos and she is from Paraguay. She has 10 months in the mission and is 24. She is unlike any companion I have ever had but I know I have a lot to learn from her this cambio.
If I have learned anything this week it is to trust in the Lord. He knows what we need. I have not done something as hard as leaving Maldonado in a long time. The tears I have cried are countless but I am here with a good attitude trusting that the Lord knows where I need to be. I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve here in Trinidad and am excited to see what the Lord has in store for us here. Thank you for all your love and support. Have an amazing week. Love you guys.

Les quiero,
Hermana Labrum

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