Monday, April 17, 2017

9 Months AKA Halfway Mark

 Well it is pretty insane to say that this week I completed half of my mission and wow it is really weird. The saying about whether to see the cup half full or half empty applies to my life right now. Its really exciting that I am halfway to seeing my family and friends but honestly more sadness that anything that I only get these experiences for 9 more months but I am ready to live it up to the fullest. 

I wanted to thank you all for the sweet emails I got after last weeks trials. You all really help me to stay positive and focused. Updates on Hermana Sousa - she made it safely to Brazil with a doctor to accompany her and she is now receiving the help she needs and it truly makes me so so grateful to know the Lord and her ward is taking good care of her. Thank you for all the prayers that were sent out in her behalf.

This week was a rollercoaster!!! Being in a trio is literally so much fun but man we are walking at the minimum 6 miles a day(not kidding) and just working SUPER hard trying to cover the two areas. We had a baptism this week of Hermano Washington and it was an amazing baptism. He has been investigating now for about 2 months and now is working to go towards the temple. We were super lucky to be a part of his amazing conversion. 
This week we also worked a lot with Maria who is still struggling with her salud so we continue to have to move her baptism date but we are really hoping that this Saturday is possible. We have been praying with her that if she can show faith that she can be baptized the 18th that the Lord will help her to complete that goal.
Milagros continues to progress muchisimo. She is really starting to study out everything on her own and honestly is teaching us more in the charlas than we are teaching her. We are still working hard to have her baptism the 25th of February.

This week we witnessed a miracle. We went to visit our investigator Roberto who has some mental problems. Well when we went to the casa de salud where he lives they said that he was in the hospital and that we could not visit him but we felt super prompted that we should still go anyways so we went and they actually let us in. Well when we got in we found him in a room with 2 other patients and three other people. We began to talk and one man began to cry he is facing serious depression but is a member and said he has been praying for help and he saw us and knew he needed to return to the church!!! Well there were also two other menos activos in the room that want to return and we have began giving the charlas to a very special man in that same room that has skitzophrenia. He is so so amazing. We all sang I am a child of god and the spirit was sooooo strong and everyone cried. We now go to the hospital every other day and are visiting them all together. Amazing what happens when you follow the spirit.

Thank you for all the help and love you all are showing me it truly means a lot. Have an amazing week and great Valentines day.

I love you,
Hermana Labrum

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