Monday, April 17, 2017

Another Letter from Hailee's Companion Hermana Collazos

Y bueno, cambios, áreas nuevas, compañera nueva.
Esto fue de ayer, por la mañana fuimos a Durazno, estaba lloviendo a full, nos encontramos con otro compañerismo en la plaza, y hermana Labrum fue con una de ellas primero a la iglesia, porque la otra misionera teniamos esperanza de que pasara la lluvia ( pero al final no) y su hija se quito los zapatos y se puso sus crocs (sandalias) y salieron corriendo hacia la capilla con un paraguas, luego fuimos con los elderes a su casa, ibamos a ayudarles a pintar, fue re-divertido, era lo que precisabamos, ya estabamos re estresadas con lo de los cambios y allí nos olvidamos de todo eso, volvimos en la noche y una familia vino a buscarnos, pasamos con ellos, se despidieron de su hija, y fue lindo, ayer en la noche supo donde se iba, y al principio estaba llorando tanto que no queria irse, luego otra hermana le dijo que habia un shopping y se le paso jajaja, tuvo mas animo, y bueno, hoy nos vamos a Montevideo para no tener que viajar tan temprano, estoy un poco triste por su hija que se va, la quiero muchisimo, pero asi es la mision!!! y bueno, que sepan que su hija es una muy buena misionera, se hace querer muy rapido y aunque se que va a llorar los primeros dias de su cambio porque asi paso conmigo, extrañaba a su compañera anterior, luego se adapta a las personas, que tengan una buena semana Familia Labrum :)

Well, changes, new areas, new companions.
Yesterday, in the morning we went to Durazno, it was raining full, we found another companionship in the square, and Sister Labrum went with one of them first to the church, because the other missionary hoped that the rain would pass (But in the end did not) and your daughter took off her shoes and put on her crocs (sandals) and ran out to the chapel with an umbrella, then we went with the elders to their house, we went to help them paint, it was really fun , It was what we needed, we were already stressed with the changes and there we forgot all that, we came back at night and a family came to look for us, we spent time with them, said goodbye to your daughter, and was nice, yesterday in The night she knew where she was going, and at first she was crying so much that she did not want to leave, then another sister told her that there was a mall and she jajaja laughed and had more encouragement, and well, today we go to Montevideo not to have to travel So early, I'm a little sad about your daughter leaving, I love her very much, but that's the mission !!! And well,  know that your daughter is a very good missionary, she makes herself loved very fast; although she will cry the first few days of her change because it happened with me, she missed her previous  companion, then adapts to people, Have a good week Family Labrum :)

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