Monday, April 17, 2017

3 Is Better Than 2

Let me tell you I LOVE MY TRIO. Everyone tells us that trios are the hardest things and that they make the mission hard but man I do not agree at all - they are great! We are staying so so so busy between the two areas and we are just laughing and enjoying every second! I would honestly love another 6 weeks in this trio. 

This week was a week of up and downs. We had just a week shoved full of all kinds of emotions haha. First, Richard my converso is now drinking again. He is actually drinking a ton. He has now been drinking for a week straight all day and all night. It has really broken my heart. We have tried everything we could possibly think of to help all the way to stealing all of his alcohol and hiding it. He does not want to drink but he does not have the strength of desire strong enough to stop yet so our members have told us we are not allowed to visit him this week and they are going to take care of it and see what they can do. It has been really hard to watch how someone can change 100 percent in just a week but we have hope that it will all work out in time. If anyone has ideas we are open to everything.

Well Maria is really finally getting baptized!!!! Her healthy improved a ton this week and they finally announced in church that she will be baptized this Saturday and I am so so excited! We have been working for this baptism now for about 12 weeks and she is finally ready!! It is a baptism I am just really really excited for.

This week we found a miracle. We received a reference from a member. He told us a girl named Patricia asked for us to visit her. Now that NEVER happens in Uruguay so we got on that really quick haha and WOW. She quit smoking already because she wants to be a part of our church. She already found a Book of Mormon and is reading it, has a baptism date, and came to church this Sunday. Miracles like that never happen haha the Lord is definitely blessing our area and we are super excited to see her progress.

Milagros. wow. We had the most spiritual charla of my entire mission with her this week. We talked about baptism and faith and the spirit in the room was so strong we were all in tears by the end. It was a moment I will never forget and she is definitely getting very close to her baptism as well.

This week we used an idea from my bff Seour Warr and decided to make cookies for the whole ward to try and get some more support and to show our love for them. We made 327 cookies and decorated 77 bags haha - it was exhausting but we are already seeing the fruits of it as members are asking to help us in charlas and its great.
Really interesting week. I learned this week a lot about just having to move forward and live in the moment. We cannot continue to look in the past or look into the future or we are missing out on the today. The mission is always about living in the moment. If something sad happens we gotta move on so we can bless the next charlas life with our happy spirit. I am so grateful for my mission and the things it is teaching me daily.

Love always,
Hermana Labrum

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