Monday, April 17, 2017

Porque Somos Companeras

Well it has been not the most easy last two days. This cambio will be a very different one. They have shut this area of Trinidad down to 2 missionaries instead of 4 and so I will now be running both sides (which means my area is HUGE) with my new companion who's name I cannot remember. Haha she has 5 months in the mission and is from Peru and that is about all I know. With that being said that means I lose my best friend Hermana Ortega as well as Hermana Hartley. I do not think I even cried this much when I left the states! It has been a really hard few days but I am trying to be positive and just trust in the Lord that this is what needs to happen but it will definitely not be an easy first week.

So, positive note, MARIA GOT BAPTIZED!!!! After 12 weeks of trying we have finally achieved the saving of another daughter of God. She was so happy during her baptism and said she felt better than she has in a very long time and wants to throw us a party for her baptism tonight haha -  she's the cutest thing in the world.
Patricia continues to be a miracle. She has officially decided she 100 percent wants to be baptized and she is really just amazing. She has so much faith and such a strong desire to be a part of the church and really is just such a blessing to know. We continue to teach and she continues to accept all the things we are teaching her. She has really been prepared by the Lord.

This week our less actives we have been working with a lot put together a HUGE noche de hogar for us. WE HAD MORE THAN 20 menos activos and 5 investigators!!!!! IT WAS AMAZING. We did it out in his shop and talked about how families can be together forever and it was one of the most spiritual nights in my mission. I am really grateful for him and the things he is doing for us and this ward.

Well this week here in Uruguay is carnival which is hugeeeeeeee! We got to meet some of the performers and they dressed us all up as if we were in the show haha. We went on an adventure with Luis Ferrrizo today to the famous Grutas here in Uruguay (I do not know what that word is in English). We really just had a week full of fun and adventures. Also Richard has stopped drinking and is doing GREAT again its a huge blessing.
This week I learned a lot about the power of the sacrament and how important it is to go to church every Sunday so we can renew our covenants but also so we can remember our Savior. I learned if we make the most of our Sunday we will really feel the blessings of the santa cena more in our lives. I love you all and hope you have an amazing week.

Hermana Labrum

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