Monday, April 17, 2017

You Are Going To Be Good Enough

Wow it has been quite the week!!! I had the opportunity to go to the temple for the first time in 6 months and it was amazing. I was so so grateful to get to go and just instantly feel the spirit so so strong! It was a really amazing start to the week. Not to mention, I SURVIVED MY FIRST AND ONLY SUMMER IN SOUTH AMERICA!! It was not a fun experience but it is over and is finally starting to cool off. I am a very happy missionary haha.

This week was really great, We are teaching a little boy named Samuel who will be getting baptized the 7th of April and he is amazing. His family is all menos activo but want him to be baptized and they want to return to the church and they all came this Sunday!!! It was amazing. I have learned so much from this 8 year old boy and his testimony. He honestly teaches me more than we teach him. He, like all little children, has a way of teaching in a way that is so clear but also with so much power. I am really enjoying getting to know him and his family.

This week we did two service projects in retirement homes. We went and painted all the womens nails and it was so so fun (haha) to listen to all there crazy experiences from back in the day. Also we had a trial this week. We were all ready for Patricia to get baptized Saturday and then we get a call from bishop that we did not have gas to heat the water so we could not have the baptism. It was a real bummer but this week we will be having the baptism of Patricia and also Teresa.

This week I had the opportunity to meet a lot of new people that came from really rough circumstances and really hard pasts with lots of mistakes. I learned a lot about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Many of them feel unworthy to pray because of their mistakes. I found a quote from Elder Holland that I shared a lot this week that not only helped them but helped me: "However many chances you think you have missed, however many mistakes you feel you have made I testify that you have never traveled beyond the reach of divine love. It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christs atonement that shines." It does not matter our past one bit if we are wiling to march forward and change our ways. I know that we are never out of reach of the arms of our Savior and that He is always here to save us. I love you all. Have an amazing week.

Hermana Labrum

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