Monday, April 17, 2017

Answers To Prayers

This was one of the coolest weeks in my mission in regards to personal matters. I have really been praying and fasting and trying to decide what I want to do with my life when I get home. Yes, I still have 7 months left but I have been wanting to have a clear head before I will have to sign up for classes again. We teach everyday that Heavenly Father answers prayers haha and it is so easy to teach but not so easy to learn alone. I think I have been looking for an answer for like two months now and I finally recieved an answer during General Confernce. I was being super attentive to try and find an answer and it came through Elder Hollands talk and I believe I will be coming home to study physcology. I am grateful for a heavenly father who listens and answers our prayers.

This week Teresa finally got confirmed so her baptism is complete. This week we will be baptizing Samuel and Sharon and I am really really excited for these two sweet baptisms.

This week we met a new investigator named Sara. She is 88 years old but very intelligent. She asked us to baptize her right now because she knows the path is right haha - it was super inspiring. She cannot walk but promised to crawl to the church to be baptized so of course we found a driver and she will be baptized in about 3 weeks. Really inspiring lady!

I am grateful for my companion. As we have cambios next week it makes me sad. It has not been the easiest change but I am so grateful for her and the things I have learned. I know we were toegether for a very inspired reason. 

Have a great week,
Hermana Labrum

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