Monday, April 17, 2017

11 Meses y Hermana Labrum Se Va

Well and I am off to a new area and new experience. I will be going to San Jose de Carrasco which is a little town right outside of Montevideo. I will be companions with an Hermana from Peru who has 2 months in the mission. I will also be living with two of my best friends in the mission, Hermana Rich and Chadwick so that is super exciting! I will not lie it has been a hard week saying my good byes. I really love Trinidad and will be leaving behind a big piece of my heart here. I am really grateful for the chance I had to be here and to feel the love of the members and each of my converts. Hermana Collazos will be staying here and training and I am SUPER excited for her. She will be really missed!

This week we baptized Samuel and Sharon and it was one of the most spiritual baptisms that I have had. At the end they both bore their testimonies and it was the sweetest and most simple, beautiful thing I have ever heard. It really touched my heart and will be a moment I will always remember. 

This week was full of asados and mate considering that I am leaving haha! Everyone threw us little goodbye parties.

This week we also helped the elders paint their house and wow it was so so fun!!!!!! We saw lots of little miracles as well this week as we went to our stake conference and learned a lot about member missionary work and the members are super excited to get involved now!!

All in all I'm really just grateful for the time I have had here. It is an area full of miracles that will be a part of me forever. I am really leaving behind an area that is the best in the mission. I am grateful for this new opportunity to have a new area and companion and know that the Lord is in charge and that everything happens for a reason. I love you all and have a great week!!

Hermana Labrum

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