Monday, April 17, 2017

Trinidad - A City of Miracles

Well started off the new cambio with a bang. My new companion is Hermana Collazos. She is from Peru but moved to Spain when she turned 14. She has 5 months in the mission and speaks absolutely no english but wants to learn so we are working on that haha! She is super sweet and loves the mission. I will be honest it was really hard when Hermana Ortega left. I really felt like I had lost a best friend. She stayed up all night our last night and left pics and all kinds of things all over the house for me to remember her by and I will not lie it has been a hard week without her but I am trying to give all my love to Hermana Collazos so that we can have an amazing friendship as well.

Today has been an awesome pday!!! Today my convert from Maldonado, Fernanda, traveled 6 hours pregnant and with her 3 year old daughter just to visit me. I have really had just the best day getting to catch up with her and my ward in Maldonado. It really made me miss that area in all honesty but I a know without a doubt that I am here in Trinidad for a reason!

WOW. Working the two sides of Trinidad is not easy!!! We are walking so much I think my feet are going to end up falling off haha but we are seeing success. We continue to see major progress with Patricia our miracle who is VERY excited for her baptism. She loved church this week and we are watching her testimony grow so so much!!! Also, Hugo who is an investigator came to church this week with his two little kids and it was so fun. I felt like a little mom helping him take care of all the kids. He plans to get baptized as well in about two weeks so we will see how that goes!

This week we found an AMAZING new investigator!! His name is Samuel and is 8 years old AND IS SOOOO EXCITED TO BE BAPTIZED! His family is menos activo but they want him to be baptized and also want to return to church and he is amazing. I am learning so much from him. Maria, Washington, and Richard my converts here continue to progress well and all three have plans to head to the temple here in the next couple of months!

This week was a really fast and packed week full of walking to all of the places we needed to go. We are really seeing the Lords hand in this area with all the people that He is preparing for us. 

This week I learned a lot about the power of a testimony. I learned that we are always always growing or losing our testimony. There is never a stand still. We have to continue moving forward and learning and having spiritual experiences or we are only moving backwards. I learned that my testimony is not as strong as I believed it to be and that I still have so much learning and growing to go. I am learning that we grow our testimony through prayer and scriptures and that we truly are capable of having a firm testimony in each gospel principle in itself. I am grateful for my mission and the opportunity to watch  my testimony continue to grow and change. I love you all and hope you have an amazing week full of miracles and happiness.

Hermana Labrum

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