Monday, April 17, 2017

Flaca y Blanca con una Placa

This week was super great. This week Patricia and Teresa got baptized and it was amazing to see them both so happy. However, Patricia got confirmed Sunday but Teresa did not show up so we do not really know what is happening with her...Hoping to figure that out this week. But man, Patricia is really a convert. She shared her testimony with us about how amazing she felt and how strong the spirit was for her when she was confirmed. Her family is not supporting her in any way and her mother told her she was only her daughter before she became Mormon. It is honestly heartbreaking the opposition she is seeing from her family but she is strong and is just moving forward in the gospel.

This week we received a reference from the church of an 11 year old girl here in Trinidad that wanted to be baptized!!! Her name is Sharron and she is a miracle. She came to church Sunday and is reading her Book of Mormon and has such a desire to be baptized. One of the sweetest little girls I have ever met. She now has a baptismal date for the 7th of April and is VERY excited.

Samuel continues to teach us more than we teach him haha. An 8 year old with a way to teach better than me. He is very very excited as well for his baptism and his family is really reactivated. The parents as well as the grandparents have been in the church two Sundays in a row now.

This week we did a big service project and painted and cleaned a house and it was super fun and different which is always great to do something different haha. Also we plan to have 4 baptisms the 7th of April which is super super exciting.

This week the biggest miracle of all is with our ex stake president who now has an interview with the stake president and HIS DAUGHTER WANTS TO BE BAPTIZED IN 2 WEEKS!!!!!! The Lord is really making so many miracles happen here. I am super excited!!

This week I learned a lot about faith and that faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. There are more ways to see than with our eyes and more ways to feel than with just our hands. Anything that is really essential to this life is something that is invisible to the eyes and something that can only be seen with the heart. I have watched so many people here take a leap of faith to just trust in the Lord and His love and it has strengthened my faith and my testimony of faith. I love you all and hope you have an amazing week!!

With love,
Hermana Labrum

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