Monday, April 17, 2017

Letter from Hailee's companion

HI, I´m Sister Collazos, The companion of Sister Labrum, Your daugther is very crazy, but She´s aexcellent missionary, I´m sorry my english is very bad, i´ll write in spanich, 
Su hija me esta enseñando un poco de ingle´s, yo tengo poco tiempo en la misión, pero creo que con su hija es con quien mas a gusto me siento, ella siempre esta halando de ustedes, y se ve que sonuna familia muy unida, siempre esta reclamando su comida, los consejos de su padre, jugar con sus hermanos, su caballo, pero vive la mision dia a dia, ama lo que hace, y si nos aburrimos hacemos algo para estar de mejor animo, al principio era un poco raro, porque la veiva tan diferente, no sabia que saldria de este compañerismo, pero ahora nos encanta, saludos, les quiero mucho ♥

Your daughter is teaching me a little English.  I only have a small amount of time in the mission, but I believe that I enjoy being with your daughter the most.  She is always talking about about you all, and it appears that you are a very close family.   She is always talking about your good food, the advice (or counsel) of her father, playing with her siblings, her horse, etc.  But she lives the mission every day, and she loves what she is doing, and if we get bored, then we do something to get us more motivated.  At first, it was really different, because she sees (I think that is what she meant) things so differently.  I don't know what will happen with this companionship but right now we enjoy each other.  Best wishes.  I love you.

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