Tuesday, May 9, 2017

New Area Full of Adventures

Well this has been one of the most interesting weeks. San Jose de Carrasco is an area on the coast and is a little town about 30 minutes outside of Montevideo. When I showed up they did not have a single investigator and have not had a baptism in almost a year. This is what they call a dead area haha and not to mention the bishop wants NOTHING to do with the missionaries. But, I am coming into it with faith and know we are going to find miracles and we are working as hard as we can (literally we are walking 8 miles a day at the menos). My companion is the sweetest. Her name is Hermana Sandoval and she has 3 months in the mission. She is from Peru and 19 years old. She is pretty quiet and chill but she is learning to open up with a crazy comp like me haha.

Fun story of the week: I made some cool friends here that are about 20 years old and yesterday they tell me in our charla: Hey Hermana Labrum, we are pretty good friends right? And of course I answer that yes. HAHA OOPS. Well they go on to say: So we wanted to see if you are willing to marry one of us here when you finish your mission and take us to the states with you and then once we are there you just leave us and we will pay you to marry us HAHAHA! It was awesome. It has come to the point where people are trying to marry us gringas just to get into our country and then drop us. Haha, priceless!!

This week we found an awesome investigator named Julio. He has been through some really hard moments but really like really hard!  Because of this all he has believed in God on and off in his life and really wants to believe but does not know how. He says that he has done a lot of really bad things in his life and just cannot forgive himself and find relief from the burden. We taught him about the Atonement of Jesus Christ and baptism and how he can start all over with a clean slate and he wants it more than anything; however he smokes about 150 cigarettes a day. Yeah, quite a bit. So, we made a cute calendar and set goal to start with 70 cigarettes today and 65 tomorrow and then we will go from there. He is a really amazing man so I will keep you guys updated about him.

This week I found two quotes that I am just living by here in this area and things that have really impacted the way I think. Sometimes we just need to have a greater vision of what is possible. We have got to see everything in the biggest and most miraculous way possible. I know I will have the first baptism here in San Jose de Carrasco with Hermana Sandoval and I know we will find the people prepared by the Lord. All He expects of us is to try but we have got to really try. I know He will bless us and help us to complete all the duties that we need to if we trust in Him and give it our all. I hope you all have an amazing week. Love you with all my heart.

Hermana Labrum

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