Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Lo Que La Quiero, Lo Que Me Queda Por Querla La Mejor

Well it has been a very very interesting week. My companion is a tough one. This will be a little bit of a harder change but that is okay because I am gonna learn a lot of patience and learn to love her. I think I forgot to mention last week that she is also only a convert of less than 2 years and is the only member in her family!! She's great though.

My area is very different than all the others, haha. It is extremely trashy (like literally there is just trash everywhere) and only dirt and rock roads so I ALWAYS have rocks in my shoes but I am getting used to it.

So this week we had 6 investigators in the capilla!!! That is more than they have had in 6 months. It was awesome!  I also was asked to give a talk this Sunday and it was awesome. I finally have Spanish well enough that I could just talk and did not have to write it out and that was a HUGE blessing. I was super super happy.
So Julio our investigator that was smoking 150 cigarettes as of last week each day is now only smoking 45!!! He came to all 3 hours of church and then a baptism after! He and his two nieces have baptism dates for May 20 so we are really hoping he can stop smoking so that he can make this covenant! He is praying and told us for the first time in his life he feels like someone is listening to him. I was overwhelmed with happiness for this man as we watch his life completely change as well as his nieces.

This week we found some members that have been less active for 6 years and the husband was a bishop and a part of bishoprics for more than 10 years. They dropped the church due to anti Mormon commentary. I had a really amazing moment as I felt the spirit so strongly to tell them that they will be active again before I leave. The wife began to cry and told me if we could help her find her faith again then I was right. It was amazing!
This week we had a ward activity that was AWESOME. We played minute to win it games and the ward loved it. Even the bishop participated which is huge for this area!! We had lots of nonmembers show up and it was just a super awesome night.

I am grateful to be here as I know that I am here for a reason. I am so grateful for all of you and your support. Have an amazing week.

Hermana Labrum

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