Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Uruguay Has My Heart

Man what a wild week we have had!!! It has been very interesting. I have learned that Satan is a strong man. He has really put fear into our lives at night here but we did a fast and the ward has been helping us a ton and we are finally getting back into the swing of things. I am super grateful for this area and to have Hermana Sandoval as my companion. I am really learning to love her.

So this week we have really just focused on Julio. Yesterday we went and cooked with him and he came to all of church (like always) and we did a charla so we were basically with him all day and he only smoke 4 cigarettes!!!! That is so amazing considering it was almost 140 3 weeks ago. He is getting there little by little and we are hoping he will be prepared for the 20th of May to be baptized. His nieces are also getting baptized the 20th and wow!! They are amazing. They went to the stake dance this week and loved it and are just rocking in the Book of Mormon and are now going to mutual every Wednesday. They are so awesome!

This week we finally won our bishop over. We had a ward council and made a bunch of goals concerning missionary work and that each leader needs to accompany the missionaries for at least one charla a month and we have a family night with him this friday and we are so excited. We are taking Julio and his sobrinas and it will be the first family night the bishop has done with missionaries in over 6 months!!

I am so grateful to be here because I am seeing how much I am changing. I am so happy and I have learned to trust in the Lord so much. This week I will hit my one year mark and it is absolutely insane how quickly time flies. I am so grateful for this wonderful year I have had and all the friends I have made. The mission was the best decision I have ever made. Have a great week!! Love you guys.

Hermana Labrum

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