Monday, October 1, 2018


Well I hit my one year mark this week and that is asolutely insane. I cannot even believe how quickly time is flying. I have had more spiritual and life changing experiences shoved into this one year than the other 19 years of my life haha!!! Yesterday skyping home was so great because it was not even sad at all!! Only 6 more months. How sad right??

Well this week I got nice and sick and then my comp did also, so we spent two of the days in the house this week but I got a super sweet surprise. My ex stake president from Trinidad drove 4 hours to see me and brought my convert Teresa and also Hermana Collazos and wow! I just cried - it made me so very happy  to see them. They brought me my fav Uruguayan muffins and hung out for a bit and it gave me just the energy I needed to keep working hard. The Lord blesses us in mysterious ways.

We finally had a Family Night with the Bishop and IT WAS PERFECT. We are finally gaining his trust and he helped us out so much teaching Julio, Camila, and Tamara. We talked about keeping the sabbath day holy and played a super fun game. It was probably one of the best FHEs that I have ever had. It was so great to finally win over the bishop:)

So Julio is officially only smoking a quarter of a cigarrete everyday!! We are that close!!! This Saturday he will be being baptized as well as his nieces Camila and Tamara. We also have a little boy named Alex that plans to get baptized Saturday all we are lacking is permission from his parents so please keep him in your prayers this week that we can get the permission!

We had a super fun mothers day activity in the ward this week where we played a bunch of games and made a lot of crafts and it was so so fun! We had a great turnout and got to know the ward a ton better. It was by far one of the best Relief Society activities I have ever attended in my life.

Well this week I started reading Jesus The Christ and WOW, I absolutely love it. I will not lie it is slightly hard haha but I am learning so so much and really it is just helping me to know my savior more on a personal basis. I can see my testimony and also just my knowledge of my savior growing and I am so grateful for that. There is not a greater happiness in the world than serving him everyday. I am so grateful to be a missionary and for this amazing year I have had. I love you all and have an amazing week!!

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