Monday, October 8, 2018

Amo lo que Hago (10,30,2017)

This week has just been so great. Like seriously I think it has been one of the best weeks in all my mission. This week the ward threw me a surprise goodbye party with a talent show full of typical songs and Uruguay dances and they invited my other ward in Maldonado to come also. It was so sweet. They made a cake and a video of all my mission pictures and I just cried the whole time. I am so grateful for all the memories I have been able to make and all the people I have met. Also I got to play my ukulele in the talent show and that turned out very interesting hah.

So we did our special Domingo and wow it was AMAZING. We had 9 investigators in church and the ward worked really hard to make it a special Sunday. This ward currently does not have any active young women so we have been working to find some investigators that are young women age. We had 6 young women investigators in church. It was amazing. We woke up really early and went and straightened all their hair to come to church and they came and LOVED IT. They will all be coming to a special mutual we are going to do this week where i am teaching how to cut hair and do makeup hahah so that will be super fun. We taught them about the book of mormon this week and they took it well. It has been hard because in their church they have always been told that that it is a book full of lies but we can tell that they are starting to see that that is not so true. I am really excited to see what ends up happening with them.

This week we also got completely drenched as you can see by the photos and this Friday we are going to the temple with Allam to do baptisms. I am so excited. I know that the work we are doing is sacred and I am so grateful for all the miracles and blessings i have been able to see. I love you all and hope you have an amazing week:)

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