Saturday, October 6, 2018

La Santa Rosa (August 28, 2017)

So this week we had something called the Santa Rosa. That basically means that all the water in the world falls down on Uruguay. There are two neighborhoods in our area that are completely under water and so there has been a huge evacuation and the streets are COMPLETELY submerged. It has been a very interesting week to be a missionary to say the least haha. Luckily in our house all is well.

This week I had the opportunity to go back to my first area to see my convert and her new baby. It was one of the best experiences. She is now secretary in the YW and is receiving her medallion for personal progress. It made me so happy to see what a change she has made in her life in this last year and to see how she is raising her two young kids in the church and it made me realize how really grateful I am to be here in Uruguay.

This week I had one of the sweetest experiences. While walking in the street a little 6 year old boy ran up to me and asked if I was a missionary. I told him yes and he said, "hermana do you have a bible I can have because I love God?" So I pulled out of a book of mormon for him and he kissed it and told me thank you so much. As we walked away I looked back and saw him reading it under a little street light and it filled my heart with happiness. I know our heavenly father is preparing people to listen to the gospel like this little boy.

So we have an investigator with a baptism date!!! They have not had a baptism since march and we found someone AMAZING. His name is Allam and he is so great. He absolutely loves the gospel and has come to church the last two weeks. He was really involved in drugs and had a lot of issues so he is looking for a way to change his life around and well he found his answer!! Super excited to keep working with him.

This week I thought a lot about Laman and Lemuel. I thought about how the stereotype is that they were bad people and I realized I do not agree. I realized they only falted three things and those were humility, living in the past, and not being able to trust in God. I realized really they had so many hard things they had to go through. They were not bad, they just struggled. They were forced to leave home, their culture, and friends. I learned that we have to be humble to be like Nephi. Had they been able to see that God had a plan for them I do not think it would have been quite as hard. I have really focused this week on humility and trusting God so one day I can say I have become slightly like Nephi. Have a great week!!

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