Saturday, October 6, 2018

15 Months and Back to Maldanado!

This week we have cambios and I am so so sad to leave Hermana Hatch considering she has been one of my favorite companions like EVER. However I am going to San Carlos which is right beside Maldonado!!!! That means I will be close to my first area and have the beach right beside me:) I will be with Hermana Hartley who was already my companion for 3 weeks so I am excited since we already get along haha. I also hit the big 15 months this week and started the last 12 week program. Pretty crazy honestly.

This week was just full of goodbye parties from all the sweet members and the very special people in this ward. This has been my hardest area to leave but I know I will be happy with my new area.

This week we had a miracle. We had the opportunity to do a Skpye call with my grandpa with the familia Pereira and it was one of the top three spiritual experiences in my mission. We all shared our testimonies and I was able to watch how the spirit told Pop just what to say and how to say it. I am so grateful for that experience. I know that the Lord loves us and prepares people to take care of us.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow each day . I am so grateful for these 15 months and how they have drastically changed my life. I know without a doubt that my Savior loves me and wants nothing but the best for me. This week I read a quote that says "Amistades como la nuestra solo nacen en el cielo." That explains perfectly my time here in San Jose. I have made friendships that will last forever. I am so grateful to be a missionary. I love you all and hope you have an AMAZING week.

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