Monday, October 8, 2018

It Isn't Over Till It's Over

So this week so many things have happened I cannot even write them all!! Haha well this week the Lord really blessed our area and we found 9 new people here that are ready to here the gospel!!!!! Not only that but 5 of the 9 showed up to church this week:) I gained a really big testimony of the power of prayer and fast.

This week we had a sweet sister in the ward pass away and so we went to her funeral with a guy named Leo. I sent a pic of him like two weeks ago and he is the one in a wheelchair. I think he has probably had one of the hardest lives of anyone I have ever met and this week he taught me a really important lesson. At the funeral of his mom, his best friend, he gave a talk on happiness. HAPPINESS. He has been through so much and yet as he spoke through his tears he shared how grateful he is for how much his heavenly father has blessed him. he has no family, can not walk, lives in a home with only half a roof, and rarely has enough to eat and shared to us about how much the Lord has blessed him. Tears were brought to my eyes as I realized how selfish and ungrateful we can be. I am so grateful to have been able to watch his strength and am trying to learn to become as grateful as he is.

Allam is doing AWESOME. This week we taught the word of wisdom and the gospel of Jesus Christ and he is super excited for baptism. This week he shared his testimony with us about the Book of Mormon and how it has blessed his life and entered exactly when he needed it most.

This week I had the opportunity to do an intercambio and go work in Maldonado and WOW. I do not know if you all remember Marcela. She was someone we found a year ago who had serious drinking problems but like serious ones. Well I went this week and she came running out the door and hugged me and said hermana you all saved me life. In the last year she has had rehab and stopped drinking and has kept the BOM by her side. She now has a baptismal date and went to church this week:)

Something really important I learned this week is about the fight we have with Satan. It is a fight we will ALWAYS be fighting. With this last change as I have been trying to make decisions about what to do with my life I found something that has really helped. It says, "with any major decision there are cautions and considerations to make, but once there has been illumination, beware the temptation to retreat from a good thing. If it was right when you prayed about it and trusted it and lived for it, it is right now. Do not give up when the pressure mounts. Certainly do not give in to that being who is bent on the destruction of your happiness. Face your doubts. Master your fears. Cast not away therefore your confidence. Stay the course and see the beauty of life unfold before you." Have an amazing week

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