Saturday, October 6, 2018

Fear Ye Not; The Lord Shall Fight For You (August 7, 2017)

This has been just such an awesome week!!! I have really been so blessed to be here in San Jose de Carrasco with Hermana Hatch. This will be the ultimate week here and honestly I am soo sad!! I am so grateful to know that the Lord really puts us in the areas he needs us and with the companions we need.

This week we had a miracle happen!! A recent convert that is THE BEST this week invited us to do a family night with her husband who has never wanted to listen before but this week through the spirit officially excepted to listen to the discussions and we are SO SO EXCITED.

This week we continued doing lots and lots of service projects and it is definitely paying off as we are really seeing a lot more help from the members in the obra.

This week our less active family made serious progress. They have not missed a single day of prayer or scripture study; I am so happy for them.

All in all it has been a week full of blessings and I am so so grateful to be a missionary. I hope you all have an amazing week. Love you all!!!

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